All templates created by myself . I spend hours to create the templates , so most of us can cocentrate on writing rather than formating
. Please consider donating (via Paypal or Maybank2u ) if you found this useful. Donate any amount you like; RM 5, RM 10, RM 20 whatever the mood takes you
. Templates created with nearly 95% automated formatting and another 5% still need to do manual editing such as TOC, table/figure caption. Please leave comments to help me fine tune these templates. 🔥
If you need to fine tune your thesis before submit, I can do it for you with small token contribution.
Maybank : 157410025258 (MOHD SAIFULNIZAM ABU BAKAR)
Paypal :

Disclaimer : Thesis templates are build to help us writing in controlled format, I am not responsible for any results/consequence you may face while using my template(s).